Sample Tenant Survey Questions

Please check a box for your answers

Which of the following statements best describes the rules about smoking inside your home?

1.1        ¨  No one is allowed to smoke anywhere inside my home

1.2        ¨  Smoking is allowed in some places or at some times

1.3        ¨  Smoking is permitted anywhere inside my home

Do you think secondhand smoke is harmful to people’s health?

1.4        ¨  Yes

1.5        ¨  No

1.6        ¨  Don’t Know

4a.  Does smelling tobacco smoke in your home bother you?

1 ¨ Yes

2 ¨ No


Have you smelled tobacco smoke in your home that comes from another apartment or from outside?

1.7        ¨  Yes

1.8        ¨  No


Would you prefer to live in a building where smoking is prohibited inside all apartments?

1.9        ¨  Yes

1.10      ¨  No

Would you prefer to live in a building where smoking is prohibited on outside property?

1.11      ¨  Yes

1.12      ¨  No

Has someone, including yourself, smoked cigarettes, cigars or pipes anywhere inside your home in the past 30 days?

1.13      ¨  Yes

1.14         ¨  No



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