Sample Resident Survey Questions

Sample Resident Survey Questions

  1. Does anyone in your household smoke, every day, some days or not at all?

¨ No one smokes in our household

¨ Yes, I smoke                                            ¨ some days   ¨ every day

¨ Yes, someone else smokes                       ¨ some days   ¨ every day

  1. Have you smelled tobacco smoke in your home that comes from another condo or from outside?
2a. If yes, does smelling tobacco smoke in your home bother you?

1 ¨ Yes

2 ¨ No


¨ Yes

¨ No




  1. Would you prefer to live in a community association where smoking is prohibited in the following areas:

Check all that apply.

¨ Indoor common areas (lobby, hallways, community rooms, etc)

¨ Outdoor general common areas (trails, playground, parking lot, etc)

¨ Outdoor exclusive use common areas (balconies, porches, patios, etc)

¨ Outdoors within a certain distance from the buildings (such as 25 feet)

¨ Inside units

¨ Everywhere on the property, inside and outside



  1. Do you feel that implementing a no-smoking rule would:

¨ Lower maintenance costs for outdoor common areas (litter, etc)

¨ Reduce maintenance costs for indoor common areas (smoke damage and cigarette burns)

¨ Decrease the risk of homes destroyed by cigarette-caused fires

¨ Avoid the risk of lawsuit to the HOA

¨ Keep property values high






Provided by the Oregon Smokefree Housing Project, funded by the Oregon Health Authority,

and Clark County Public Health

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Please return your completed survey in the enclosed envelope by [date].

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