Sample Resident Survey Questions
- Does anyone in your household smoke, every day, some days or not at all?
¨ No one smokes in our household
¨ Yes, I smoke ¨ some days ¨ every day
¨ Yes, someone else smokes ¨ some days ¨ every day
- Have you smelled tobacco smoke in your home that comes from another condo or from outside?
¨ Yes
¨ No
- Would you prefer to live in a community association where smoking is prohibited in the following areas:
Check all that apply.
¨ Indoor common areas (lobby, hallways, community rooms, etc)
¨ Outdoor general common areas (trails, playground, parking lot, etc)
¨ Outdoor exclusive use common areas (balconies, porches, patios, etc)
¨ Outdoors within a certain distance from the buildings (such as 25 feet)
¨ Inside units
¨ Everywhere on the property, inside and outside
- Do you feel that implementing a no-smoking rule would:
¨ Lower maintenance costs for outdoor common areas (litter, etc)
¨ Reduce maintenance costs for indoor common areas (smoke damage and cigarette burns)
¨ Decrease the risk of homes destroyed by cigarette-caused fires
¨ Avoid the risk of lawsuit to the HOA
¨ Keep property values high
Please return your completed survey in the enclosed envelope by [date].