This survey was first designed by the Seattle/King County Health Department to use with their local housing authority and it has since been modified and used by a number of housing authorities in Oregon and elsewhere. Included here are survey questions as well as a sample cover letter.
It is key that the public housing agency obtains the information THEY need to make THEIR
decision about no-smoking rules. It would be wise to include the decision-making Board in reviewing and approving the questions asked.
Survey Logistics (things to think about):
- Will we partner with public health in conducting this survey?
- Whose logos will go on the cover letter?
- Will we offer an incentive? (Some HA’s have had high response rates even with no incentive.)
- Who does the survey mailing and any reminders? Where do the surveys get returned?
- Who does data entry? Who does the analysis?
- Who pays for what? Who do the results belong to?
- How will this information be used?
An excellent example of a public housing/public health partnership:
See Lane County Housing Authority’s survey results