8 Best Churches That Help With Rent For Emergency Assistance – Near Me

If you need help finding a church to attend for emergency financial assistance, you will find our article helpful. Here is a list of churches that help people with rent and other financial needs.

Different people live in different realities every day. But, when their lives are at a crossroads, they need help that is quick, specific to their needs, and efficient. It’s hard to get any of those things from social services — which require long waiting lines and paperwork before even getting to the right department.

A single parent with a sick child, a displaced couple with young children, or an elderly woman living alone struggle to make ends meet every month — more than 40% of the people in our sample are experiencing challenges meeting their basic expenses.

The goal of this assistance program is to make sure unfortunate people and homeless individuals can get help and prevent any danger in life. A part of this, local churches provide aid by providing emergency shelter, food, clothes, help pay utility bills and rent for the poor people in tough times.

The Rent Assistance Program was created to provide financial assistance to people who are struggling with housing payments. The program aims at preventing any danger in life.

Churches and church assistance programs can provide financial or material aid to individuals with limited resources. Church assistance programs for rent help ensure that families who are facing financial hardship due to loss of income or a medical emergency can still keep up with their house payments. Churches that help pay rent may also provide food and clothing on an emergency basis.

List of Churches That Help With Rent For Emergency Assistance Near You

Church assistance programs are set up to provide help and support for people who need it. Founded in the spirit of compassion, these organizations work to assist those who are financially struggling, homeless, or otherwise in need. The following church assistance programs are available throughout the country.

Churches That Help With Rent For Emergency Assistance Near You

1. Episcopal Church

Episcopal churches help people who need financial assistance and other services. They were founded to help the poor, to relieve the suffering, and to spread the love of Christ. They offer urgent help for those who are struggling with rent, utility payments, and more. In addition, they provide clothing closets, gas vouchers, and information about local resources.

The organization’s mission is to “serve those most in need through compassionate outreach that inspires self-reliance and fosters hope.

2. Love Inc.

Love Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit that helps the needy in your community. It provides food, housing, rent help, utilities, clothing and home repairs to people who are ill-fated and homeless. The organization has a strong belief in the power of community to make change. Anyone who is in need should call ​the organization’s hotline to receive assistance.

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Those who are suffering from homelessness or illness can call the hotline for immediate assistance.

3. The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that helps provide emergency relief to those in need — no matter their background or religious affiliation. From emergency food and shelter to disaster relief, the organization has a comprehensive range of services dedicated to meeting its mission: “Working with the poor and vulnerable to promote human wholeness, help people transform their lives, and foster caring communities.

When you have a problem, the Salvation Army has a shoulder to cry on. When rent assistance is out of reach and the electric company threatens to shut off your power, The Salvation Army is here with open arms ready to provide you any assistance needed.

The Salvation Army provides more than 100 assistance programs at various locations. Most of these assistance programs are focused on food, clothing, and shelter and are available for those who have lost their homes and belongings. To find out more about the Salvation Army’s assistance programs, contact your local branch.

4. Lutheran Social Services

Lutheran Social Services (LSS) strives to help those in need by providing a variety of valuable resources, including emergency shelter and food assistance, no-cost health care services, programs to prevent homelessness, opportunities for affordable housing and much more.

As part of its mission to help people who are in need, this non-profit organization provides a number of financial assistance and counseling services for low-income individuals. You can use these services to get help with paying rent and bills.

5. United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church is a Christian-based charity that provides numerous assistance to individuals and families with limited income. Assistance includes housing, food, and utility bill assistance courtesy of its numerous programs.

When people are in a tough situation, it’s important that they have someone to talk to. That’s why United Methodist Church offers counseling services as well as emergency assistance. With the help of the church, people can get the help they need to make it through a tough time in their life.

6. St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church

St. Vincent De Paul is an organization that helps the most vulnerable people in your community in times of hardship. Not only do they provide emergency rent assistance, but their strong, compassionate staff also offers counseling, support groups and other services to address other personal problems that may be plaguing you.

They understand that there is more to life than just material things, and will go out of their way to help you get back on your feet, one step at a time.

The Catholic organization provides emergency rent assistance when a family is struggling with sickness or family problems, or recovers from a crisis situation like a fire or flood. They also provide food and other services to low-income families who are struggling to make ends meet.

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This organization provides financial assistance and counseling for low-income people, making it a viable option for those who are in dire straits. Help for rent and bills is offered, and there is no shame in explaining the need for assistance.

7. Jewish Federation of North America

The Jewish Federation of North America is a faith-based group that helps individuals and families regardless of religion. It also works with National charities to help the helpless. Even though there are local Churches willing to help you, Jewish Federation of North America can also be contacted regarding your need.

8. Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is a non-profit, charitable organization that helps individuals and families in need of basic necessities, such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care. Its services include financial assistance, as well as vocational training and counselling programs.

The goal of Catholic Charities is to aid all people in need, regardless of their religion. You can talk to a representative from the organization about your situation and they’ll do what they can to help.

How To Find Organization That Provides Rent Assistance In America?

When people are evicted, displaced by a natural disaster, unable to work due to an injury or disability or live from paycheque to paycheque,

When emergencies strike, it can be difficult for low-income families to find the money they need to keep a roof over their heads. Foreclosures and displacement from natural disasters like hurricanes and floods threaten the stability of millions of American households.

With 84% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, most consumers are just one unexpected expense from falling into a financial hole. Insurance against these issues is essential, whether it comes in the form of a savings account or rental insurance.

In the United States, everyone has a different story. In many places, there are organizations that help people with their rent, utilities, food, and other necessities — and sometimes, it’s as simple as checking in with your local center.

Each state has its own assistance programs for rent and other necessities, from food and shelter to utility bills. These services are available to anyone looking for a helping hand, regardless of age or situation.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers a number of programs to help people in need obtain affordable housing, including Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. Section 8 helps low-income households pay for their own housing by subsidizing the rent they owe to their landlords.

Charitable organizations like the churches, Salvation Army and other non-profits are able to help with financial issues and provide immediate relief.

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Church Rent Assistance Programs

Churches are serving as a lifeline for many people facing hardships or natural disasters. While many churches already offer financial assistance to their congregation members and the community, not all churches are able to provide immediate, on-demand rent assistance because of the lack of resources.

Church Rent Assistance is designed for people who are struggling with rent, and is meant to provide immediate relief to people in crisis. Churches across the country offer programs that work with a family’s specific needs, providing assistance with utilities, food, prescription drugs, and more.

The best way to learn about available programs near you is to speak directly with your local church.

Most churches are funded through government subsidies, which provide money to help the homeless and provide necessary supplies, such as food and clothing. Religious organizations are given tax exemptions by the government in exchange for providing services to the community.

Churches have always been a place to find a community and comfort. As times change, however, it’s important to ask what churches are doing to stay relevant in their communities. For example, some churches now help people with rent. The church can provide emergency financial assistance as part of its rent help services .

Churches That Help With Rental Assistance Near Me

Some churches in my area have rental assistance programs. These rental assistance programs are usually reserved for those that are in need financial assistance. It would be best to call your church and ask if there are any programs in place for rental assistance.

Going to church isn’t just about the religious services. Churches provide community service, classes for children and families, food, as well as financial support. If you are looking for a church that has rental assistance in the area, call the church and ask.

Churches That Help With Emergency Housing

Churches that offer emergency shelter for those who need help can be found in every state. These churches may provide emergency shelter for families, single women, and individuals.

Some churches offer emergency shelter for a certain duration of time, such as for one night, for a week, or for a month.

Other churches offer emergency shelter for an indefinite period.

In many cases, an emergency shelter will also offer referrals and services such as utility and food assistance, employment assistance, and health care referrals.


Everyone has the right to live in the USA equally, no matter their present conditions. There are many organizations that help those who don’t have homes, or whose homes were destroyed by a natural disaster. If you know how these organizations work, you will be better off even if you have lost your home.

33 thoughts on “8 Best Churches That Help With Rent For Emergency Assistance – Near Me”

  1. Beatrice jauregui

    My name is Beatrice jauregui I’ve been homeless for over 1yr living in the streets. I have. Tried all resource county offers and just a run around. I end going to the hospital for depression and panic attack along with being bitten by spider And rat. I need help for housing and to eat. Please help me. I’ve been physically and sexually abused living in the streets . I’m so ashamed of this county that can’t help those who need and want assistance.

    1. I was just excepted into an Oxford House. And was needing help with rental assistance. Is there anyway that you can help?

  2. Hello,
    My name is Shannon Harper and I’m calling to check with your office to see if your office is able to and help my small family, consisting of my 13 yo daughter, 7 yo son, and myself. I am a victim of domestic violence in which their father tried to kill me, and I was issued a restraining order and given full custody of our children. We had to live in a women’s shelter in which he sent convicts, and other various types of questionable people to our home in order to attack and physically cause harm to me and our children. However I cannot prove that he hired these various individuals, (besides two of them) which told me the truth. During this period, I was raped, beaten up, shoved into vehicles then thrown out in the middle of nowhere, I was robbed, two of my automobiles were vandalized, one was stolen, he made false claims to C.W.S., he paid ex-girlfriends to make false police reports, he and others also made false claims to my probation officer, and I was given jail time, which eventually turned into prison time. He wrote letters to judges during my criminal court proceedings in order for my sentences to be extended, and there’s more, but that is enough for now. My education extends through graduate school. I have earned a Master’s Degree in Business, and I’ve also earned a Bachelors Degree in Finance. However, since my previous domestic violence relationship in which I went to jail by the hand of my abuser, I earned multiple felonies, so I am now limited in using these degrees. Which limits me on the amount of income I’m now able to earn in order to support my children and myself. I am now forced to live as a low income resident, earning well below my earning potential, and asking for financial help wherever possible. Lastly, I underwent a hernia surgery and due to the Tylenol in my system – given by the hospital I was overdosed and my liver burst, and I was put in an induced coma, and given an Emergwncy Liver Transplant ar UCLA. So, I now have a new liver transplant, but the time I spent off, and rehabilitating was a definite hardship for my small family and we are struggling to survive now. Sorry this is so long. Please any information you can provide to me, or any financial assistance you see suitable for us, or grants – anything that you see that I may be useful for me, would you please send my way? I appreciate any and all help.

    Thanks in advance,
    Shannon Harper
    2609 Elm Ave
    Morro Bay CA 93442
    (C) 805-215-6008

    1. Honey I’m elderly and disabled and can’t get no help in a real bad shape you have my prayers but I’m in Shelby county there’s no help all phony on this website.

    1. I’m Aretha kelley I was trying toget help with paying my rent. I applied for disability. They I can’t work until I get approved for my shift I really need help.im been going back in forth to the doctor

    2. Good evening my name is Eddie Dunn. I’m in need of some help to pay my Rent this month. I fell behind because of my car accident late last month. I have no funds to pay my Rent for September, I’m about to be evicted if I don’t come up with the money this week. $980. Please if there’s any way you can help I would greatly be appreciated. HELP

  3. is there any possible way i can contact spme of these churches im so scared to lose everthing i worked so hard for im employed but i cant even make it to my job because i dont have any gas. i am trying so hard to survive right now please help me

  4. Tamera sturdsnegar

    Please call me back at 3253018830 my name is Tamera sturdsnegar and I am on site but my rent is more than Mt check and I am in dire need Please help this is every month I don’t get to purchase my the med I need etc….im new here in Texas

  5. I need help with my rent. I’m trying my best to pay my bills on time. But the money that i make is not enough. I can’t lose the place I stay right now, not can I look for another place to stay. I have to keep stable housing for now. I would really appreciate if someone else could help me out til I do better. Anything is better than nothing at all.

  6. My daughter has just turned 20 and struggled & went hungry saving every dime- and successfully got her very first 1 bedroom apartment; she has a job but it pays no-weekly and she is desperately seeking ONE TIME assistance to avoid eviction. She only needs $400 to cover the difference and your organization can pay directly to the apartment complex’s rental management office (which is on-site). She’s just barely gotten up in her own 2 feet, just to get cut down. I pray you respond to my message so I can give you her contact information and she can hopefully avoid the eviction they’re already threatening her with. Again, we are only seeking one-time emergency help…. Please….

  7. Terri L Duarte

    I need help with my rent this month I ended up testing positive like two and a half weeks ago and then my manager didn’t schedule me for 2 weeks then she only gave me 9 hours the third week and my rent right now is $778 my disability check is $864 and then I have to pay my DTE to and get other stuff that I need that I need not want and I would appreciate your help my email t e r r i d u a r t e 63@gmail.com

  8. Hello my name is Shaquona Hodges me and my husband moved out here to the colony Texas after our son got expired just to be in a new environment and have a peace of mind my husband been working double shifts to ee ou rent paid weekly I’ve been having heath problems and dealing with depression sense my baby been gone I can barely work.and I know it’s hard on my husband we been staying at a budget suites rent 377 weekly and I’m asking for help and praying God can get us through this hurt in our hearts

  9. Lacresha casmir

    Hello my name is lacresha casmire my husband have our apartment we have been in for 4 months and this month has been rough he just got a new job and starts training on the 18th I just got a new job last week so we are in need of help for this month’s rent I’m hoping someone can help us because this month is all we need .

  10. Shaniqua Mitchell

    Hello my name is Shaniqua Mitchell. I need help with my rent. I’m employed but my bills are way more then my paychecks. I also have two younger kids are in the household and I do not want them to suffer due to me not able to pay this month. Can you all please help me.

  11. ME AND MY FAMILY IS IN NEED OF moneys to pay rent where we are staying at but we need money like ASAP cause if we dont have the rent mony before 11:00am in the morning our rent to keep staying where we are is 510.00 every week or 126.00 na day wecan be reach at ( 757)517-0764 or 757-949-8146 or 757-207-8446 Rent is due 7\28\22 before 11:00am

  12. Yes is there any way we can get help we are staying at the pevely super 8 hotel and we have kids and have no help and had everything stolen from us have no place we are trying to find us a place to leve at but no luck yet and tomorrow is the last day of be able to be in our room so if any body could help please and thank you

  13. Just received a 10 day notice to be evicted if I don’t pay $1050 by august 11th. I received it on my door July 29,2022. I am unemployed at the moment until the job I just got hired for gives me a start date. My mom who is Ill is on disability and has barely any income , we have other bills and some are past due and also coming up again on payments. I also have my 12 year old daughter with us. I’m so afraid as I have exhausted all the resources in our county and need help fast! That’s just the minimum they want but we are still behind and then we have Aug rent as well. I really don’t know what to do.

  14. Hello , my name is Laura Gillespie. My husband and I have had custody of my nephew now for 6 yrs. But have had him since the day he was born. He’s no 9.
    Then his beautiful gorgeous sister who is now 2 was born just as the world was falling apart. March of 2020. 2 days later she came to me right from the hospital. And has been with me ever since.
    However since covid my husband’s job has changed dramatically and we are struggling, as many others are with keeping up with bills.
    We now need to leave the property that we’ve been in since October of last year 2021, due to the owner asking for property back at no fault of ours. Unfortunately because we are struggling we have no fund to move . And everything is so, so much money for one person only being the provider for a family of 4. As I am unable to work at this time due to disabilities.
    Plus I’m a stay at home mom/aunt to take care of these 3 wonderful babies of ours. They complete us. I’ve already reached out to the raft,housing,ect. And I’m not seeing any results. I was supposed to be out on Aug1,2022 but we can’t because we have no place to go.
    Please any help would be much appreciate. We are desperately seeking help. And I am begging for it.

  15. I have been effected by COBID AND DNT HV rent and I’m scared of losing everything.Me and my children are survivors of domestic violence and would go any length to save our place. We have been thru treatment and ready to face the world. Plz help me and my family
    linda smith

  16. Hello my name is Donald Nye and I am seeking assistance with getting my rent caught up for the home my wife,13yo son and I currently rent. I have recently emptied my 401k to try to make the past due rent which is 2950, I was only able to get a hardship withdrawal f0r 1493 and am struggling to get the rest together before our eviction court date of 8/29. I know so many people are dealing with the same issues and it is hard to ask for help when i am employed but I have exhausted other resources in the past to keep caught up. My wife suffers from many mental and physical illnesses that sometimes prevent her from staying at work consistently, I do not want to lose our home and have to move my son from his school in his last year there. Any help would be greatly appreciated and paid forward in the future when ever able. I can be reached at dnye322@gmail.com.

  17. Hi, My name is Jorge I am calling because I need help with rent. My rent is high and I am unable to pay my rent I do have a job but my employer cut down my hours I need help to get my rent by next week on The 1st of September. Can you guys please help me. You can reach me by my email jorge1024flores@gmail.com or cell number is 678-347-6982 please help

  18. Hi my name is Monica,
    I am a single mother and i am in the middle of switching jobs. I just dont have enough to pay my rent for september and we will receive an eviction notice very shortly. Please help us we have no where to go and no family to help. I am at a loss of what to do.

  19. Hello my name Lanita bullock I’m employed I have 2 childrens and I’m in process moving out end sept which be nov1st 2022 my deposit and rent is a lot to come up with due to me working part time I do have part of the funds to go twards it but not all so I’m asking for help please help me anything will counts thanks

  20. I need help with rent and utilities my small family is my self my husband and our dog. my son comes home everyother weekend.

  21. Me and my fiance just lost her home ours please help us with the motel voucher we have to check out it at 11:00 a.m. and there’s a tropical storm coming please help me as soon as possible

  22. My niece woke wendsday morning to fing her 3 Monty old baby boy passed I’m a disabled mother and grand mom and mother to her as well how can I get help financially for her please help

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